The Love of a Father, The Traits of a Dad

Father and Son

All last month I’ve seen the prettiest bouquets and cards made for mothers. Nice hats, shoes, and even foods dedicated to mom.

And all of that is super cool. We love our mothers and we should everyday.

What about dad? What are some traits dads posses and what does he do that we should admire too? As children, my sister and I were raised by a father(he rests with God now) and I remember still honoring him on mother and father’s day because he was both to us.

Traits of a Father(these can belong to moms as well)

  • Physical strength
  • Mentor
  • Teacher
  • Provider
  • Disciplinarian

Can you think of any more?

When I think of those traits, I can not help but think of God. It reminds me of Psalm 91:4,

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.(NIV)


Feathers? Wings? His faithfulness?

God is playing dual roles here. Like a faithful mother hen that loves her children. Yet we also know him as the one who sent his one and only son to die for us…to die in our place in order to bring us to redemption. Through the ages He has been fighter, mentor, teacher, provider, and disciplinarian.

All for those whom he has created and loved.

What is the attitude of fathers today?

Sadly, there are still men out there who are not exemplary fathers at all. They lay up with women because of lust and at the first sign of conflict-

They run.

The mothers and their children suffer.

Let me say this and I will conclude afterwards: A man is more than what he “squirts out” from his jeans(genes?)- okay? Animals and insects can do that. What makes a man into a father is that he fulfills his role and takes care of his duties/responsibilities.

No more excuses.

And to those dads who are thankful for  good gifts from God. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you.

Any daddy stories? Plug in your own two cents here or share with friends!

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